Thursday, March 29, 2007

Looking Ahead

It was a very busy day today. I even brought work home. My Men's choir is struggling with one of their pieces because it is too high for them so I transposed it on my computer tonight. It's not hard work, just very time consuming. The up side to it is that my Men's choir will sing much better in the new key and will have more confidence. They are a great bunch of guys that it's been fun watching them grow this year. They are such better musicians than when we started and I can't wait to see what they will do next year.

Tomorrow, Friday, we are having our 24 hours of prayer at church. I am praying from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM at the church. My partners are Jim Dobbs and Greg Neill. I couldn't have been given better prayer partners than these men as they are pillars in our congregation and in my life. I am looking forward to this time as this is a big step for me and my walk. Public prayer with other men present has always been very scary and uncomfortable for me, but I have prayed about it and I know I am doing the right thing. I know this time will be uplifting to me as well as all those we will be praying for. My Uncle Cecil is at the head of my list right now, as he had heart surgery today. The doctors did 5 bypasses. At this time he should be out of surgery but I haven't heard from my family. I know I will in the morning. My prayer list is kind of long but I don't mind. I am very thankful for my new friends here in Marble Falls. One family that is near and dear to me are the Futrells. Kyle, Marti and Kyleigh Ann are the nicest people you will ever meet. They welcomed me into their family and I am so lucky to know them.

I won't be blogging for a couple of days as I will be out of town. I will tell you all about it when I get back. Have a great week. Spend some time in prayer.


Jimmy Mitchell said...

Hey Dude!

Sean Luke says hello and that he misses you and Men's Choir!

How are you doing? Ready for LTC this weekend?1?


Anonymous said...

Great work.