Saturday, April 14, 2007

Time Flies When Your Having Fun!

Wow!!! When I started out blogging every day, it was pretty easy, but then became busy and put this aside. Something, hit me really hard today! It's very much like being a christian. We make the commitment to God and declare that nothing will come between us and then the first thing you know, we're missing church, we stop praying, we act in a way that is not Christ like. I have to be really careful that I keep my focus. This has been a crazy 2 and 1/2 weeks since I last blogged. Here is the Readers Digest version. I participated in the 24 hours of prayer at the church and was blessed beyond comprehension. In the process I renewed my prayer life with my father and I am forever thankful for Allan nudging me into participating. Speaking of Allan!

When I moved to Marble Falls, the ministers were Jim Gardner(preaching minister), Jimmy Mitchell(youth minister), Allan Stanglin(associate minister), and Jim Dobbs(associate minister). My first Sunday at church I found out Jim Gardner was leaving and Allan was preaching that morning. I had not met Allan and did not know anything about him. I had met Jim G. and Jimmy and had talked with both of them before I moved to Marble Falls. Finding a church where I could be active was very important to me. Anyway, after I heard Allan preach an outstanding lesson that morning, I went forward and placed my membership at the Marble Falls Church of Christ. Allan made me stand up and he made a commitment to me that I will never forget. He said that he would be there and the congregation would be there to help me in my walk and that we could always count on them. WOW!!!!!! I didn't even know most of these people. That was a lasting impression up on heart. So when he nudged me into being part of the 24 hours of prayer I was at first reluctant, but then realized that it was God nudging me using Allen as a vessel. Thank you Allan for being that vessel in which God can work through. Allan is getting ready to start his own personal ministry in Richland Hills. He will be awesome as he is a great man and servant of the Lord. I know that he will be richly blessed just as I was simply for getting to know him and his family.

I am doing work around the house today. Therefore will blog more later today. Love everyone! Have a great weekend! Take some time to pray.

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